America's Next Top Paddy's Billboard Model Contest | Always Sunny Podcast – The Always Sunny Podcast
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Episode #42

America's Next Top Paddy's Billboard Model Contest

I'm ash, baby. Throw me in the ocean.

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42. America's Next Top Paddy's Billboard Model Contest

On the pod, the guys revisit America's Next Top Paddy's Billboard Model Contest from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 4, Episode 3.

Megan Ganz: All right. Let's just start the podcast.

Rob McElhenney: Charlie's in a bad mood. I can tell.

Charlie Day: I'm not in a bad mood. I just, uh, I'm just like eh.

Glenn Howerton: Right.

Charlie: You know what I mean?

Rob: But it's funny. I-- It's funny that we-we-

Glenn: It can be.

Rob: -we put up a merch store, and were selling buttons for $3, and didn't realize-

Charlie: Mm-hmm.

Rob: -that people were seeing bills for $93. That is fu-- That's funny to address.

Glenn: I think it's kind of funny.

Charlie: Oh yeah, for sure.

Glenn: Well, I think what people need to understand is if-if you don't-- If you are a-a-a small-- Like, our operation is not big. It's a-- We're o-- We're starting a merch store, right? Where it's a small thing right now. You know, so we don't have a warehouse in another country. What most places-- What most companies would do it, is they just wouldn't ship you anything at all. You wouldn't even have the choice. At least with us, you have the option. If you wanna pay $90.

Rob: We're the good guys.

Glenn: That's what I'm saying.

Rob: We're just three young upstart-

Glenn: Just a--

Rob: -handsome guys-

Glenn: Just trying to start--

Rob: -and a woman, trying to start a small business.

Glenn: Right, just three-

Rob: Right?

Glenn: -good looking guys and a good-looking woman-

Megan: Oh, thank you.

Glenn: -trying--

Rob: Just trying to--

Glenn: A very good-looking group of people-

Charlie: Yeah.

Glenn: -just trying to--

Rob: So young.

Megan: All of us, so young.

Rob: We don't know the rules of customs, and, like shipping and merchandise.

Glenn: No, we haven't learned them yet because we're so young and good-looking.

Rob: Yes.

Glenn: And when you're good-looking, y-you're-- You don't have to know that many things because you get by just on your looks as we have.

Rob: Mm-hmm.

Glenn: And so we're learning these things now because we realize we're like, we gotta pull-pull ourselves up by our bootstraps.

Rob: Mm-hmm.

Glenn: You know what I mean?

Rob: Mm-hmm.

Glenn: Because these looks aren't gonna last forever, you know? Let's take advantage-

Megan: They might.

Glenn: -of it while we're young and we are.

Rob: And we'll learn about international tariff law at some point in our careers, but we're just getting started.

Charlie: Okay.

Glenn: Yes, but we'll wait till we're ugly. But we decided not to wait, and now we're paying the price.

Charlie: Yeah.

Rob: Well, we're not paying the price, they are.

Glenn: Somebody else is paying the price.

Charlie: We’re not paying the price.

Glenn: By the way, I don't even have a pin.

Megan: You don't have a pin?

Glenn: I just want to point that out. I don't have any pins.

Megan: I can give you one.

Glenn: I don't have a mug.

Megan: I'll get you-- Go get you some.

Glenn: I've got-- I got a couple shirts.

Rob: You've got a mug sitting right in front of you, jackass.

Glenn: Listen, pal, that was handed to me as a prop.



Megan: Um, I can get it to you, but-

Rob: It's got coffee in it.

Megan: -it'll cost $90 for me to drive it to your house.

Rob: He'll pay it.

Glenn: I'll pay it.

Rob: He's rich.

Megan: All right, I'll get you some merch.

Rob: He's rich.

Megan: Rob needed a large t-shirt, which he wanted me to, uh-

Rob: I did. Thank you for saying that on the air.

Megan: -saying it on the podcast.

Rob: In the podcast.

Megan: Yeah?

Rob: The mediums are a little-little small.

Glenn: You're exploding out of the medium?

Rob: Yeah, a little-

Glenn: Are you?

Rob: -little tight.

Glenn: Yeah? What's going on there?

Rob: Did you find that the medium fit?

Glenn: Have you been-- Have you--

Charlie: I have not tried anything.

Glenn: Uh, yeah. The medium fit me, but I-- You-you've always had big arms, which by the way, God bless. God bless you, you know? I remember- I remember early on, like in the-- B-before we started doing the show, you and I used to-- Every once in a while, we'd go work out at the YMCA.

Rob: Sure.

Glenn: You know, the, uh, the youth--

Rob: Young Men's Christian Association?

Glenn: Yeah. Yeah. In West Hollywood. Sometimes we'd play racquetball, but sometimes we'd lift weights.

Rob: Mm-hmm.

Glenn: And I remember I'd be over there doing arms, 'cause I've always had skinny arms. I have a very hard time building my arms, and, uh, you wouldn't do arms at all because your whole thing was like, it-- They-they'll get too big.

Rob: Bro. Bro.

Charlie: Bro, you definitely did arms. I remember doing arm--

Rob: Bro, my arms would get too big.

Charlie: Arms-arms are your thing, bro.

Glenn: Well, you do-- He does them now.

Charlie: He had-- You had a whole technique for how to do those curls that was--

Glenn: He does them now, but back then he didn't want his arms to get big.

Charlie: Oh, I did- I did arms with you at the Y.

Rob: [crosstalk]

Glenn: Did you do arms with him at the Y?

Megan: Do you remember?

Glenn: He never did arms with me. That's 'cause you've got big arms, too. He didn't wanna make me feel bad. I appreciate that, buddy.

Rob: You got it, buddy.

Glenn: Thanks, pal.

Charlie: I definitely did-- I definitely rocked some arms with you at the Y.

Glenn: Did you? And what-what-what year are we talking about? Early 2-- This pre-Sunny?

Charlie: Oh, yeah. Pre-Sunny. And I remember, uh, you-- It was a- it was a strength of yours. You like, uh, you know.

Glenn: Big arms.

Charlie: The Chest game was standard, but the arm game was exceptional. I was like, "Look at the arm game on this guy."

Glenn: You also never did abs.

Rob: No.

Glenn: Back in the day. Never did abs. You-you were like fuck it before.

Rob: Fuck the core.

Charlie: That was what the coffee and cigarettes were for.

Rob: That's-- Well, that's what-- Yeah. That's the-- Exactly.

Glenn: Right.

Charlie: Yeah.

Rob: That's-that's what the glamor muscle phrase came from, too.

Charlie: Yeah.

Glenn: Well, yeah, but I mean--

Rob: But I guess abs would be considered glamor muscles.

Glenn: Abs would and so would bicep- bis and tris, but yeah, uh, I-I suspect maybe you saw my body and you were like, "You know what? I'll do chest with this guy and make him feel good about himself." Always had a pretty good chest.

Charlie: Maybe you just wanted to have the body that would look good on a billboard.

Megan: Oh, great segue.

Rob: Oh yeah. That's a good transition to the episode.

Megan: Thank you, Charlie. Appreciate it.

Glenn: You guys wanna talk about the episode? I wanna talk about arms and chests.


Charlie: I just think about this episode. This is not an episode you can see on TV.

Rob: No longer available.

Megan: That's true.

Glenn: Yeah. No-no longer available.

Charlie: Can we talk about that?

Rob: Y-yeah.

Glenn: Um, it's a tough thing to talk about.

Charlie: Mm-hmm.

Glenn: It's a tough thing to talk about, but maybe, I dunno.

Rob: It's a tough thing to talk about without getting heavy and then going into a defensive stance on-

Charlie: But it's also a-

Rob: -what is satire and what isn't.

Charlie: -but it's also kind of odd thing not to address, right?

Rob: Yeah.

Charlie: To be like, we're gonna talk about an episode and the fans can't watch it at home.

Rob: It-it-it's hard for me to look at that episode and look at Rob's behavior, right? Which is insanely misogynistic.

Glenn: Yeah.

Rob: And then to say, well that is appropriate because we're suggesting that these are terrible characters and this is a-- It's a show that is taking a satirical look at-at our culture, and then say, "Well, that's okay to do," but certain things are not-

Charlie: Mm-hmm.

Rob: -appropriate to do.

Charlie: H-h-here's my honest feeling about it. I think these things are complex, uh, and I don't think that it does the audience a service to take away their ability to look at a-a piece of what you wanna call it, art or storytelling, or whatever it is, from the past. To remove the ability to let-let the audience sort of-- L-like, uh, break it down for themselves, I don't think is a positive. I think, go ahead and put a disclaimer on there and be like, "Look-look, there's some humor in this that could be offensive, so tread lightly." But like, I don't know.

Rob: But even that, so you'd have to put that in front of every episode.

Megan: Yeah.

Charlie: Go ahead then. Fine.

Rob: But that's what the rating system is. TV MA. Are you- are you mature enough to watch this? Or are you a child?

Charlie: Are you a child? Yeah.

Rob: Yeah.

Charlie: You're right.

Rob: That's what TV MA is or TV 14. It's-it's to suggest that if you're an adult, you have the ability to discern what-- And take away what you are going to take away from-- [crosstalk]

Charlie: Well, I will say that the reason that this is down is because of the two characters that Caitlin plays, uh--

Rob: That Dee plays. That is an important distinction.

Glenn: Yeah. The characters that Dee plays, right. Yes. That is-- Yeah.

Charlie: That is an important distinction.

Rob: Yeah, it is. It is, yeah.

Charlie: That-that like, uh, that Dee is trying to become like a YouTube sensation, and she's doing characters that she thinks would pop on Saturday Night Live.

Glenn: Mm-hmm.

Charlie: And I specifically refer to them, certainly the second one as-as racist. Um, so it's not like the show is not-

Glenn: No, the joke--

Charlie: -aware of it.

Glenn: The-- It-it's-- Look, it's satire. That's what it is. You know what I mean? You're-- And the joke--

Charlie: Yeah, the joke is that sweet Dee is a very ignorant person-

Glenn: That's right.

Charlie: -and is unaware of the impact.

Glenn: That's what the joke is supposed to be.

Charlie: Yes.

Glenn: It's difficult because I could sit here and defend it, you know, with that logic, right? Because it's a person who is, d-- You know, doesn't realize how, you know, ignorant and racist they're being.

Charlie: Mm-hmm.

Glenn: Um, and that is the joke, um, you know, but--

Rob: That is the show.

Glenn: And that is the show.

Megan: And speaking of the show, from this episode, I'd like to start by talking about S you in your As. Don't wear a C and J all over your Bs.

Glenn: So--

Charlie: I'll tell you what S is, it's screw.

Glenn: Screw you. Okay, right. I was thinking sex. Sex you, but you're probably right.

Charlie: Yeah.

Megan: Don't wear a condom?

Rob: Mm-hmm.

Glenn: Yeah, don't wear a condom.

Charlie: Screw you in your ass.

Glenn: And jizz all over your butts.

Charlie: And jizz all over your butts.

Glenn: And jizz all over your butts. That's what it is.

Rob: We-we-we went for F you in the A, but I believe that was the standards and practices, now.

Charlie: Yes.

Megan: You can't say F you in the A?

Glenn: You can't say F you.

Rob: You couldn't.

Charlie: Yes.

Rob: You couldn't then.

Glenn: I think- I think you still can't say F you in the A.

Charlie: You can't say F you in the A. You can do racist stereotypes. Yes.

Megan: [laughs]

Glenn: Yes. That's right, that was fine.

Charlie: For a bit at the time. At the time.

Rob: Yes.

Charlie: Later, dudes. S you in your As. Don't wear a C and J all over your Bs.

Megan: That's a classic Charlie line that gets quoted a lot.

Glenn: Yeah.

Charlie: Yeah.

Megan: Uh, that was a pretty great one.

Charlie: Sure, sure.

Glenn: Yeah, S you in the A. What is it again?

Megan: S you in your- in your As.

Glenn: S you in your A's.

Megan: Don't wear, don't wear a C--

Glenn: Don't wear a C and J all over your Bs.

Megan: Yeah.

Charlie: Yeah.

Megan: As a parting line, that's pretty good.

Glenn: That's 46?

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: That's funny.

Megan: That could be carved on a tombstone of somebody. I mean, that could just be--

Glenn: Absolutely. So-

Megan: Yeah.

Glenn: -we'll-we'll-we'll just, yeah. That'll be on your tombstone, bud.

Charlie: It won't be up to me. I'll be dead, so you know?

Glenn: Yeah, I don't give a shit, I'm dirt.

Megan: You don't have any opinions.

Charlie: I'm-I'm dead, dude, do what you want.

Glenn: Hey, you know, I'm ash.

Charlie: I'm ash, baby.

Glenn: Throw me in the ocean.

Charlie: Uh, yeah. Um, Danny, I think we first started getting his hair going, uh, out in this episode. He started pulling it out a little bit.

Glenn: He started getting a little wilder.

Charlie: Yeah, he's got the bigger glasses in this season, which is-

Glenn: Right.

Megan: Thick frames, yeah.

Charlie: -his thing. Um.

Glenn: First time we ever had TJ.

Charlie: TJ Hoban.

Glenn: On the show.

Rob: Rex.

Glenn: Yeah, playing Rex. Super funny guy.

Rob: Great bod.

Glenn: An actor and a bodybuilder. I'm not sure what he considers himself primarily. Although I feel like- I feel like he's m-- I mean, I follow him on Instagram.

Charlie: He's both, right? He does both.

Glenn: He's-he's super into bo-- I feel like he's even more into bodybuilding now than he was back then.

Charlie: Yeah.

Glenn: 'Cause like, I mean, he's-he's what you see in this episode times 15.

Charlie: He's in that world.

Glenn: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Charlie: He's bigger?

Glenn: He's bigger. He's more vascular. He's even more cut. The man-- If he has any body fat, at all, uh, I don't know where it went. I don't know where it is. And I- and I worry for him because that's-that's-- You gotta have some-some fat.

Charlie: You gotta have a little bit.

Glenn: You gotta a little bit.

Charlie: Otherwise, you're eating your organs.

Glenn: That's right. You get-- That's right.

Charlie: Yeah.

Glenn: That's right. You gotta burn something.

Charlie: The body's eaten all the fat and it's like, "Well, where else is there fat?" And so, you know, surro-

Glenn: That's right.

Charlie: -surrounding my vital organs.

Glenn: Yeah.

Megan: Around the heart.

Charlie: I'll eat those, too. Um.

Megan: Um, you-you referred to Rex's bird that just won't quit.

Rob: Yeah.

Megan: Did you guys, like, realize that bird had become a word that you can't apply to, like-- I mean, now that-- 'Cause by this point, it's very much applied to Dee.

Rob: To Dee, yeah.

Megan: But you're still using it.

Rob: Bird is a- is a- is a word to describe a-a-a phallus, um-

Megan: Yeah.

Rob: -that was, uh-

Glenn: But I don't think that's--

Rob: -from Philadelphia.

Glenn: Yeah, I was gonna say-

Rob: Very specifically from Philadelphia.

Glenn: -is that- is that specifically a Philadelphia thing? 'Cause I'd never heard that before.

Rob: Very specifically the Northeast part of Philadelphia. Um.

Glenn: Wow.

Charlie: Yeah, I don't think I'd heard it before that episode.

Glenn: No.

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: And that was-was in the script. There's a great-- There is a, uh-- There's a funny blooper from that. There's a funny blooper from that. That is a very genuine reaction from me because you decided in one take, instead of saying bird, you just sweated-- You said there's a sweaty hog in those pants.

Charlie: Oh.

Glenn: And you didn't tell me you were gonna say it. Fair enough. Uh, I had no-- I'd never heard you use that term before. I'd never heard that term used, period. And so when you see me laugh in that, that's the first time-- That's me hearing that for the first time. That's not me hearing a line that we wrote and laughing. That's me hearing it for the first time and-and-and breaking.

Rob: I bet you, if you pop those jeans off, you're gonna find a sweaty hog that won't quit either. Come on, come on.

Charlie: You know, what's interesting about this episode? So we're watching it and, uh, you know, we're commenting on reality shows, which are really just starting to hit their stride, right? With-- Whether it's on Fear Factor or it's, um-

Glenn: America's Next Top Model.

Charlie: -Top Model, or what's the one, the dating one?

Rob: Bachelor.

Charlie: The Bachelor.

Glenn: The Bachelor.

Charlie: And we're hitting all those, but we're also kind of hitting YouTube culture.

Glenn: Yeah.

Charlie: Which we're like, oh, if you're Chocolate Rain or the woman who was stomping and falling on the grapes, like, you're getting a bunch of followers on that and you think that's fame or whatever. I think we're being a little bit--

Glenn: Oh, yeah. We're having a go at people who wanna be-become famous just for being who they are.

Charlie: Just for-- Yeah.

Glenn: Just for being who they are.

Charlie: And then-

Glenn: That's it.

Charlie: -from that time to now, like, that has become the norm. Like, that is-

Glenn: That's right.

Charlie: -mainstream, sort of awareness of people is via what they're doing on the internet, whether it's-

Glenn: Yeah.

Charlie: -TikTok or--

Glenn: And I've taken a little bit of a turn on that. Like, I really used to-- I-- I'll-I'll admit, like, kind of snub-snub my- snub my nose at-at, like, you know, Instagram influencers or-or anything like that.

Charlie: Sure.

Glenn: But I-I've kind of taken a little bit of a turn where I'm like, "Hey that's smart."

Charlie: Yeah, they had a platform. People use their platform and--

Rob: It's empowering that you don't-

Glenn: It's empowering.

Rob: -have to- you don't have to go to one of the studios to fund something, or one of the major-

Glenn: It's decentralizing.

Rob: -media. Yeah it's-it's-

Glenn: Yeah.

Rob: -it's incredible. It-it just empowers people to-to build whatever they want. [crosstalk]

Glenn: Yeah, and I don't have to- I don't have to like what they're selling or what they're doing. I mean, there's-there's plenty of that on TV, too. There's a lot of people who don't like our show. They don't like what we're selling either.

Charlie: Sure.

Glenn: So, you know what I mean? They're doing the same thing. They just-- They took the middle man out. They took the studios and the networks out and they were like, "I can reach an audience directly with what I think is in-intr- is interesting and worthy of, you know, talking about." And-and I've realized now that like it's pretty fucking smart. They were way smarter than I was. I didn't figure that shit out. I didn't see- I didn't see a future in that. I just thought like, "Wow, what a really pathetic, like, way to try to become famous." I'll fully admit that I was, like, judgmental about it.

Charlie: There were-- The-the-then there were people who sort of used that tool with their sort of mainstream fame and used it really well. The first guy I remember kind of, like, going on a terror with that was Dane Cook, who was doing his standup, but he was, like, huge on MySpace. Do you remember this?

Glenn: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Charlie: He was big in MySpace.

Glenn: Yeah.

Charlie: And then, you know, like, the Rock and Kevin Hart, these guys had, like, just giant internet followings that-that match their-- And now everyone's chasing it, right? Like everyone's like, "Well, I guess gotta have some--"

Glenn: But then there were the people that figured out, like, "Why don't I become famous first? Instead of doing something and becoming famous for that thing that I do, let me just go ahead and become famous first, and then I'll sell products."

Megan: Yeah.

Charlie: Yeah, sure. Yeah, yeah.

Glenn: Which-which is, like, fucking smart.

Charlie: Yeah.

Megan: I think there's been a change, too, because I remember the earliest days of viral videos, it felt like everyone wasn't-- It wasn't made to go viral. It was just a clip of a news show. Like the woman stomping grapes, or-

Glenn: Well, so that was--

Megan: -the Chocolate Rain thing, which wasn't supposed to be seen by millions of people, but then it just, like, caught fire.

Glenn: Yeah.

Megan: But now people are like, they-they kind of have cracked the code of, "Oh, how do I make something that will go viral?"

Charlie: Right.

Megan: But I remember there were a lot of years, like working on, um, TV shows where the, like, marketing the execs or whatever would come in and be like, "We'd love you guys to make a viral video." And we're like, "Yeah, well--"

Glenn: You-you-- Yeah, that's it. You can't, no. It's like--

Megan: Just put viralness in it. You know? Just--

Glenn: I mean that-that grape-- Right. Put a virus in it. Um, that, that grape video, uh, was one of the first internet YouTube, or actually, I think even before YouTube, that-that was, like, making the rounds on, like, certain, like--

Rob: eBaum's World.

Glenn: eBaum's World.

Megan: Oh that's right.

Glenn: -oh my God.

Megan: Wow.

Glenn: Good memory. That's exactly where I saw it. That and the-the guy who was auditioning for something with nun chucks.

Rob: Yep.

Glenn: And then did a back flip and landed on his face and got up and tried to just keep going? Fell backwards, like-

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: -into the backdrop or whatever.

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: Like, there were just a handful of those, like, things.

Charlie: And then YouTube was, like, the history of the dance, right? Like, wasn't there a guy-

Megan: Oh yeah.

Glenn: Oh, my God.

Charlie: -who did a bunch of dan--

Megan: Yeah.

Glenn: -and that was the first video that just kept getting passed around.

Glenn: That, like, broke a million.

Charlie: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Glenn: Like, it-it was, huge. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right.

Rob: Or Charlie Bit My Finger.

Glenn: Charlie Bit My Finger was also, like, a huge--

Charlie: Those kids are probably, like, in their mid-30s.

Megan: Yeah.

Glenn: Yeah, yeah, for sure. But the-the grape stamping thing-- I mean, really all that-- All-all those were-were America's Funniest Home Videos-

Megan: Yeah.

Glenn: -without the fucking, uh, host.

Megan: Yeah.

Glenn: You know?

Charlie: Yeah.

Glenn: It was with-- And then you get to see the whole thing instead of seeing, like, a tiny little clip of it. You know? And-and somebody like making a stupid comment about it. You get to just watch the thing raw.

Megan: Yeah.

Glenn: Yeah. That grape one is great, by the way. And we should put that on the podcast.

Megan: I'm gonna, I'm gonna stick it in. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Glenn: It's-- I love that video. It's still- it's [crosstalk]

Megan: Nobody owns that anymore. It's owned by culture. I feel like you can just-

Rob: Oh, yes.

Glenn: I think so. I think so.

Charlie: Maybe.

Megan: -have that now.

Charlie: Maybe.

Speaker 5: These buckets are filled with grapes.

Speaker 6: What kind of grapes?

Speaker 5: These are filled with Chambourcin grapes and the winner, this Saturday, who stomped-- Music, eating international foods, having wine tours and tastings, vineyard tours, seminars, arts and crafts. It's a lot of fun. A whole day.

Speaker 6: Stop. [noises] Oh, I can't-- Ow, ow, ow. Oh, stop. Oh, stop. [noises] Oh, I can't breathe. Stop.

Glenn: I wonder where that lady is. Let's find out where that lady is.

Megan: Oh, I'll-I'll look it up.

Glenn: Like put a little Chiron. She passed.

Megan: She died from grape exposure.

Rob: I mean, we are- we are laughing at her pain. I mean, she fell-

Glenn: Yeah.

Rob: -down and is in--

Glenn: Hard. She's-she's in exceptional pain.

Charlie: Crying for help. She's like, "Oh, oh, oh, God. Help, help, help."

Glenn: "Oh, God. Oh God."

Charlie: Well, no, you're laughing at the fact that she tries to cheat, right?

Rob: Yeah.

Charlie: So-

Glenn: Just she tried to--

Charlie: -they're-they're doing the thing and then she goes, stop, and the- and the other woman stops, and then she starts being a little sneak-

Glenn: And then she starts going all fast.

Charlie: -and trying to do it fast. 'Cause they're having a race to see who can, like, get the most wine-

Glenn: Yeah.

Charlie: -from stomping on the grapes and she falls outta’ the bucket and then--

Glenn: Fucking cheater, fucking cheater.

Charlie: You're laughing at justice.

Glenn: You know what? You're laughing at-at her--

Charlie: The pain of justice. [laughter]

Glenn: [laughter] But it does. I mean, she-- Like, you could-- It-it's-

Charlie: It's bad.

Glenn: -totally off-- I'm glad it's off camera because it-it's very possible that she lost, like, quite a few teeth. 'Cause I mean, she goes down and it almost seems like she tips-

Charlie: She might have broken her neck or something.

Glenn: -forward enough to where she might, like, landed on her face-

Charlie: Yeah, yeah, I know.

Glenn: -first.

Megan: Um.

Glenn: But that-- But it is also the sound of someone who got the wind knocked out of themselves.

Rob: Yeah, got-- Yeah.

Glenn: Yeah, so. Yeah.

Rob: I hope that's what--

Megan: She gave an interview with a radio program where she said, "Am I embarrassed that I fell? Of course. I also broke a couple ribs."

Charlie: Oh, God.

Megan: "Thanks for asking. I had to spend a few weeks in the hospital under observation. I suffered quite a bit for an honest mistake, a momentary lapse in concentration. And now I'm trying to move on."

Glenn: You fucking bitch. That was not an honest mistake. It was a dishonest mistake.

Rob: Well--

Glenn: You fucking bitch.

Rob: Wow. Now, hold on a second.

Charlie: We got to cut this whole episode, man.

Rob: Yeah, this-this whole episode--

Glenn: This is great. Are you kidding me? This is great.


Glenn: What are your plans for the rest of the summer? I mean, we're sort of at the halfway mark here.

Rob: Halfway? We got like a-a month left. We're deep in the third quarter, buddy.

Glenn: Oh, God. You're right. Well-well look, regardless of how long we have left, the key to summer is finding as much free time as possible to enjoy getaways, you know? To enjoy some cookouts, time at the pool, Trying desperately to keep your house plants alive.

Rob: That's right, and if you're a business owner, the last thing you'll want to do is spend time sorting through tons of unqualified candidates resumes.

Charlie: And that's hard to do while running the grill or laying out on the beach.

Glenn: Well, that's why you need ZipRecruiter to find great candidates, you know. They do the work for you and now you can try it for free at

Charlie: Well, ZipRecruiter uses its powerful technology to find and match the right candidates to your job. Then you can review these recommended candidates and directly invite your top choices to apply.

Glenn: Did you guys know the four out of five employers on ZipRecruiter get a high-quality candidate on the first day? That's actually true. That could be you.

Rob: So, soak up all that summer has to offer and let ZipRecruiter do the work. Ready for the URL? Are you, guys? Are you ready? It's That's where you can try it for free.

Charlie: Again, that's, S-U-N-N-Y.

Glenn: ZipRecruiter. The smartest way to hire.


Charlie: I gotta say, I-I'm feeling really rested today. I am feeling rested and I have a hunch as to why.

Rob: Are you gonna tell us or do we have to guess?

Glenn: Yeah.

Charlie: I want you to guess. How d--

Rob: It's because of your Helix mattress.

Charlie: Ah, that's what it is.

Rob: Oh.

Charlie: That's what it is.

Glenn: Yeah. Yep, yep. Yeah. They really do make some standout mattresses, I gotta say. I-I've got their-

Charlie: That's their thing.

Glenn: -I've got their, uh, Birch organic line. Man, let me tell you, it's a huge upgrade over what I used to have.

Rob: Helix mattresses are also great for spinal alignment to prevent aches and pains, and they even have Helix Plus for our plus-size Kings and Queens.

Glenn: Kings for our Kings and Queens for our Queens.

Charlie: Mm-hmm. They also have a 10-year warranty and you get to try them out for a hundred nights, risk-free. So they'll even come to your house and pick them up if you don't love them, but, uh, let's be real. You will love them.

Rob: You don't wanna take our word for it because we're morons. Take the words of GQ and Wired magazines who named Helix the number one best overall mattress of 2021. In addition to the word of leading chiropractors and doctors of sleep medicine.

Glenn: And, guys, right now, Helix is offering up to $200 off all mattress orders and two free pillows for our listeners at

Rob: So get on it. Get on the order, get on the bed that is

Charlie: /SUNNY.



I don't remember eBaum's, Rob.

Glenn: I totally remember eBaum's World. It was like-- I wonder if-- Doe-does eBaum's World still exist? Is it still a thing?

Charlie: It is okay if--

Rob: I remember it wasn't- it wasn't really, um, when-when we started watching it-

Charlie: It's--

Rob: -it wasn't-it wasn't, um, real-time streaming. You would have to-you would have to-- Almost like Limewire, uh, we would have to download--

Charlie: Limewire? Oh my God.

Glenn: Yeah. You would do--

Rob: You'd have to like down-download-

Glenn: You couldn't-

Rob: -like the short videos.

Glenn: -you couldn't stream it. You couldn't just click on a video and stream?

Rob: You would--

Glenn: I think you could.

Rob: Yeah, but it was like the only like really short clips.- And then others, you had to like-you had to download.

Charlie: Take a while to download it-

Rob: Yeah.

Charlie: -yeah.

Glenn: But it was based-- What was eBaum's? Was it always just a place to-to-- Because then CollegeHumor came along and became a forum to post like comedic videos and-

Megan: Mm-hmm.

Glenn: -you know, stuff like that-that.

Charlie: Was that the Ferrell one? No.

Rob: No.

Megan: No.

Glenn: No. That-that was Funny or Die.

Megan: Funny or Die.

Charlie: Funny or Die, right, yeah-yeah.

Glenn: Yeah. Um, I'm not sure who started-- Well, actually, um, yeah, actually I do know that Ricky Van Veen who produced Coffee Town, the movie that I did, he was one of the founders of-of-

Charlie: Mm.

Glenn: -CollegeHumor, cause that was a CollegeHumor movie. It's the only feature movie they ever made.

Charlie: That's kind of interesting-

Megan: It's--

Glenn: Mm.

Charlie: -what, like, what internet things have endured like Reddit, you know-

Megan: Mm-hmm.

Charlie: -you look at, like we, you-you look at, like, the sort of, platform of Reddit and it seems very kind of basic-

Glenn: Mm-hmm.

Charlie: -you know, well-

Glenn: Yeah, in it's design-

Charlie: -well-

Glenn: -very basic.

Charlie: -behind the times, but it's, you know, Twitter.

Glenn: I think that-

Megan: [chuckles]

Glenn: -that-that Reddit works.

Megan: Keep-keep naming them, Charlie. [laughs]

Rob: Yeah, name things.

Charlie: What else? There's Instagram, I guess there's TikTok. What do the kids do now?

Megan: Yeah.

Charlie: What's gonna be next?

Rob: TikTok, baby.

Glenn: I think that's what people like about Reddit, though. I mean, and again, I don't-I don't really know. It was one of the things I like about Reddit is it's just like, it's a- you- it's not about-- Like the design of the page is very, very basic.

Charlie: Mm-hmm.

Glenn: But in a way, it's kind of, it's great. It makes it easier to look for-- It-because it's less about-less about the-the page itself and more about what you can find on there and what people are posting. And so you just- you're really just scrolling through posts.

Charlie: Mm-hmm.

Glenn: Um, but I-I like Reddit. I don't use it all that often, but it's-

Charlie: Mm.

Glenn: -it's pretty-it's pretty fun to just scroll through.

Megan: Do you--?

Rob: Meg, you use Reddit?

Megan: I do, I'm on Reddit, yeah.

Rob: You are?

Megan: And I, yeah, and I go to the Sunny subreddit all the time and I, um, engage [crosstalk].

Glenn: See, I don't know how to use it. Like I don't- I don't think it's--

Megan: Well, it's easy. It's just like a message board. Like you just hit reply and then you can type right in. But--

Glenn: You have to like have a- have a sign-in, I guess, and--

Megan: Yeah, I got into Reddit like a whi- a while ago. I guess it was when I was still working on Community and we had like a massive subreddit on Community and I convinced them to do an AMA, uh, ask me anything-

Glenn: Yeah.

Megan: -um, and that went like pretty big. So then-- I don't know, I've just-- But actually, weirdly enough separately, um, I took a photo once of my sister's, um, now ex-husband's dog, um, and, uh, posing underneath a painting of itself. Um, his dog's name was Delmar and there's a picture I took of it posing underneath the painting of itself. And I posted, put that on Twitter, and somebody took it and put it up on Reddit, and then that went viral. It got like m-millions of hits.

Glenn: What?

Megan: Yeah. To the point where then as a joke, I got my sister a phone case that had this picture on it and she would get like stopped by people and they were like, "Oh, I've seen that dog." So that-that was like my little viral moment, I guess of something.

Glenn: When you're- when you're making comments-

Megan: Uh-huh.

Glenn: -on Reddit, uh, do people know it's you?

Megan: Yeah. 'Cause I have my username.

Glenn: Okay.

Megan: And so, um, yeah. So like when the shipping thing happened, I went on Reddit and I was like, "Hey, guys, like, here's the thing. I don't know what I'm doing." And I literally wrote that. I was like, "I-I'm a comedy writer. I'm producing this podcast for the first time. So-

Glenn: Yeah, yeah.

Megan: -I'm not trying to rip you off. I just am a human who makes mistakes." And they actually responded to it like really well. And, of course, they were immediately-- 'Cause this is what happens whenever you respond to someone's outrage, they're all like, "Oh no, we love you. We're so sorry." [chuckles] And they're like-

Glenn: That's exactly right.

Megan: "Come on."

Glenn: No, because if you can try it-

Megan: Yeah.

Glenn: -and you're like-you're like, "Sorry, I'm-

Megan: I-

Glenn: -you know, I'm just a-I'm just a person-

Megan: -a person.

Glenn: -in the world.

Charlie: It's fine though-

Glenn: Yeah.

Charlie: -like outrage, like, that's-you know, that's a-that's a specific thing, right? That's a sales thing-

Megan: Yeah.

Charlie: -a price-pricing mistake. So that makes it a little bit more sense to engage with the fans and say, "Hey-

Megan: Yeah.

Charlie: -sorry this is-- But like, you know, for however many thousands of people write their comments on the internet, there's millions more that never do-

Megan: Yeah.

Charlie: -right? So you might be addressing, you know, the smallest percentage of-

Megan: Sure.

Charlie: -outraged people who don't like your mythy question, right?

Megan: Yeah.

Charlie: They-they're like, "We hate this episode, we think it was terrible, or-or--" And then you take time, you almost like give too much credit to their outrage and then discredit all the other people who weren't outraged. Sometimes I feel like, you know, like engaging in the comments or whatever is like-- Okay, if you did a performance on Broadway. The year is 1972-

Megan: [laughs]

Charlie: -right? And then you put on a costume, went into the lobby, and heard every single person's opinion about the play.

Megan: Mm-hmm.

Charlie: That is not the gig. The gig is you come out, curtain goes up, you sing and dance, say your lines, curtain goes down, you're done. Maybe you'd shake someone's hand outside or you'd sign an autograph, but the gig is not to then go person-to-person, "Tell me what you thought of the performance-

Megan: Yeah.

Charlie: -What did you think of the performance? Are you happy? Oh, you're outraged. Oh my God. Let me explain to you why this is this way." Like it's a--

Megan: Also if you've ever--

Charlie: It's not what the process should-- It is.

Megan: If you've ever sat in on a focus group, you know that if you ask people to have an opinion, they'll come up with one.

Charlie: Well, yeah, and then there's that. Sure.

Megan: And sometimes it's not their natural opinion. It's like that they wanna have a strong take on something.

Charlie: Imagine what Sunny would've been if we poured through focus groups, trying to make the show.

Megan: Did you ever focus group this show?

Charlie: No.

Glenn: No, no.

Rob: Uh-uh, no. They never-- No. I think they-they knew better than to try and do that. And FX is, uh, I mean, I think it-it-- I don't know. Do-Do they do that with any of their shows or do they just trust their own tastes? I mean, I-- It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't ever do it.

Glenn: Yeah, I don't think-I don't think they do focus groups.

Rob: Wouldn't surprise me.

Charlie: Probably not, yeah.

Megan: Here's a part--

Charlie: I mean, I think there's a value to showing an audience something, right? Like you-you're cutting together a show or a movie and you screen it in front of an audience.

Rob: But that's for you.

Charlie: That's for you.

Rob: That's so you can gauge the reaction.

Charlie: And you-you feel the air go outta the room for a stretch and you're like, "Oh, maybe I need to tighten this up." Or like--

Rob: But it's also like, you know, when you see something that you made in front of an audience, even if you've been in the editing room for a year editing that thing, the first time you see it in front of an audience, whether you're gauging people's reactions or not, you're suddenly able to be-

Charlie: The audience-

Rob: -a little bit more objective about it.

Charlie: -yeah.

Rob: I don't know what that is. I don't know. It's because just the awareness that other people are watching it suddenly puts you in the same place as the audience. And you could see-- You see things that you didn't notice, even though you've been in the editing room for a year. I think that's, uh, an interesting phenomena. Like I've always felt that anytime I've ever watched something that I was involved in.

Charlie: Well, it's because if you're painting a picture, you know every stroke. You know how that tree got made and you're looking at the tree for all its parts, right?

Rob: Mm-hmm.

Charlie: So you're like- you're like, "Oh, okay. The trunk. Oh, I-I-I did that little bit of sunlight on the trunk. And so that-that's really making that seem more three-dimensional." And then, you know, and then, uh, but you haven't like hung it on a wall, walked around the block, and then come in and looked at it with a room full of people-

Rob: Yeah.

Charlie: -you know, like-- And then it's a different thing. Now you're looking at the painting for the experience of the painting itself as opposed to the process of making it.

Rob: Yeah.

Charlie: So there's like a-- Yeah. There's a weird removal.

Rob: Did-Did you guys, uh, do a focus group for th-uh, for--

Megan: Mystic Quest?

Glenn: Mr. Quest? No.

Megan: Mr. Quest.

Rob: Mr.--

Megan: Que-Quist.

Charlie: Uh, probably could have worked on that title a little bit, if you're--

Megan: Yeah.

Glenn: Yeah. That would've-- I mean, we actually could've benefited from it.

Rob: Well, you did. It wasn't the-- What was the original title?

Glenn: Hero Quest.

Rob: And then that-- But that's a board game, right?

Megan: And then we tried to clear 55 titles-

Glenn: Yeah, 55 titles.

Megan: -and the only one that would clear, uh-- Well, there were two that cleared: Heroes Reign spelled R-E-I-G-N, which was a weird confusing title, um, because-- Um, and then Mythic Quest. Um, those are the only ones that cleared.

Rob: 'Cause you-you tried Mythic Quest, too, at one point, didn't you?

Glenn: We tried everything.

Megan: We tried everything. at one point, didn't you?

Glenn: Just hard to clear--

Charlie: I think you just have to make your-- You have to-- The curtain goes up and you have to sing and dance, the curtain goes down, and then it's everyone else's issue after that, right? Like, uh--

Megan: Yeah, but don't you find that like, that's fine with a live performance, but like I got into doing comedy because I wanted to hear people laugh at stuff that I m-made and wrote. And I'm not a performer, so I didn't want it to be on stage. So it is-- Like, I find it really hard to resist looking at Twitter and Reddit and stuff about stuff that I've made because I want to know that it made somebody laugh. Like way back in the day when I was living in New York and-

Charlie: Sure.

Megan: -writing for The Onion. I used to like, if I'd see somebody on the subway that was reading The Onion, I would like stand close to them just in case I might hear them laugh at something.

Charlie: Of course, yeah. You're doing it for the audience, and you want them to enjoy it.

Megan: Yeah.

Charlie: Uh--

Rob: But probably what's worse than seeing a bunch of bad comments about something they did is seeing no comments.

Megan: That's true.

Rob: No one talking about it-

Charlie: Yeah. Maybe.

Rob: -like that's-that's-that's almost worse. Or you're just like, "Oh wow. I just made a thing and no one gave a shit."

Charlie: It can go either way. You can either get too caught up in everyone's negative comments or too wrapped up in the positivity that you then become-- You lose your own objectivity about what you're doing.

Rob: Mm?

Megan: Mm-hmm.

Rob: Yeah. That's the danger of it.

Megan: Speaking of hard, uh, criticisms to take. In this episode, um, Dennis thinks he's a stallion-

Rob: Mm-hmm.

Megan: -and there's a funny scene where Mac has to break the news to him that, um-

Rob: Yeah.

Megan: -he is no longer a-a beefcake.

Rob: Yeah. It's a very- it's a very funny performance of yours to-- you know, 'cause you-you-you-you really do perform it like, you-you know, when you hear--

Glenn: Feel bad for you 'cause you're not-- you didn't-you're not aware.

Rob: Yeah. But the fir--- Yes, exactly. You feel bad for him. But the very first reaction is like-- is also like, "Oh no, he doesn't know."

Glenn: Yeah. Everybody, uh, in the room knows but he doesn't know. [crosstalk] I thought he knew, I thought he knew he was in decline and now I'm gonna have to tell him, and you feel bad about it.

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: But you don't.

Rob: But it needs to be told.

Glenn: It needs to be said, and-

Rob: It needs to be said.

Glenn: -and-and in the clearest possible way.

Rob: Yeah, so that you don't continue to humiliate yourself.

Glenn: Correct. In front of all these-

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: -wonderful people.

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: Yeah. Yeah. Very funny.

Megan: I think it's very funny when your horrible characters are trying to be nice and kind to each other for, like, a minute and break out of that. I think that's always, like, a good-- [crosstalk]

Glenn: Well like-like when Dee says, I know- You know, "I'm gonna go do my own thing 'cause I know you're not gonna put me on this billboard." You know, we're all agreeing with her.

Megan: Yeah.

Glenn: You know, we-- And it's not that that we think we're being nice, but we're like, oh yeah, no, we wouldn't. No, you're ab- you're absolutely right, right? You're absolutely right.

Megan: Yeah.

Glenn: We would never put you on that billboard.

Megan: Never, ever.

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: Not you. No. Oh my God.

Rob: No, and we don't even let her finish. She starts by saying, "I know what you guys are gonna say." And then we don't even let her finish saying it.

Glenn: Right.

Rob: We need to say it.

Charlie: We say it, yeah we have to say it.

Rob: 'Cause she brought, we have to say it.

Glenn: Yeah. Yeah. But it's all done under the auspice of like, you're right. You're right about everything that you're thinking. You're right. So in a way it's like, we're-we're, like, affirming something, but in the most negative possible way, which is, uh, fun.

Charlie: I don't remember what that volleyball was that I was throwing at her face. I mean, it must have been foam.

Rob: One of those, like, soft. Super soft.

Glenn: No, no, no, it-it--

Charlie: Like a Nerf ball.

Glenn: It was just like one of those, like, little, like, uh, like super cheap rubber balls that you-

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: -get at, you know-- That's, like, really light.

Charlie: I don't think it w-- I think it was foam. 'Cause I think if I threw a rubber ball at her face that hard, it would've stung like crazy.

Glenn: Not-not even a kickball. I mean, one of those, like--

Rob: I know what you're talking about really thin, thin plastic.

Glenn: This really thin layer of-

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: -layer of rubber balls.

Rob: I think foam would've hurt more.

Glenn: I think-- I'm pretty sure I--

Megan: That was really good. That was like--

Glenn: The what?

Megan: The comedy of it was it bouncing so well off of her face.

Glenn: That's also what makes me think that it was- it was one of those--

Megan: Yeah.

Glenn: You know what I'm t- you know what I'm talking about? Like-

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: -you get, like a, like, a ball bin.

Charlie: Oh yeah.

Glenn: It's cheap, like super thin.

Charlie: Yeah, it's almost-almost a balloon.

Megan: Yeah.

Glenn: Yeah, almost a balloon.

Charlie: Do you know what I mean?

Glenn: Yes. So it's only-only slightly thicker than a balloon, really. Uh, I think that's what it was, and they pain- and they painted the volleyball lines-

Charlie: Yeah, you might've been right.

Glenn: -on there. They drew or drew 'em on or whatever.

Megan: And then--

Glenn: And then when you-- And then that same vo-- And then the volleyball that you have in Philly is, like, a totally-- It doesn't have the black volleyball and it's like a totally different-

Charlie: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Glenn: -ball.

Charlie: Different props people.

Glenn: Yeah.

Megan: And then you did a stunt, Glenn, of getting kicked in the nuts. Um, do you remember how they did that?

Glenn: Yeah. I just-- I don't remember. So I remember-- I was-- I thought like, "Oh, I'll just wear a cup or whatever," and then we'll do a thing where you kick, you know, the-- 'Cause that's kind of just kick the ins--

Charlie: I remember the move was to kick the inner thigh-

Glenn: Yeah.

Charlie: -and to make sure you don't--

Glenn: But I actually wore some sort of a-- I don't remember, but I do remember it was like some sort of like a thing like that, that, you know, where my dick and balls were here and this thing was here. So that you could literally kick me right in the right spot, and it would never quite hit-- It would never quite reach my-my balls, which were higher at the time than they are now.


Megan: Couldn't do that now.

Glenn: Couldn't do that now. You'd have to-- Yeah. I'd have to wear a real-- I'd have to sag those pants real low.

Charlie: I could step on your shoe and get the balls.


Glenn: Yeah, you could, uh-- So, yeah, um, if you look at it, though, you can see my pants are sagging, like crazy, 'cause I think I had 'em real low-

Charlie: Uh, right, to hide the trap.

Glenn: -to accommodate whatever that--

Charlie: The ball trap.

Glenn: The ball-- Yeah. The ball saver. Are your balls lower than-- They're lower than they used to be, aren't they?

Charlie: I have no idea. I-I have never measured the proximity.

Glenn: You haven't been keeping track of it like you do with your kid's height on the wall?


Charlie: It just gets lower.

Rob: I haven't noticed that.

Glenn: It just getting lower and lower as the years--

Charlie: It gets lower every year.

Glenn: You guys don't do that?

Charlie: Do balls go lower? I didn't know about that.

Glenn: Hey.

Megan: We also got to see you tear away pants in this and expose-

Rob: Yeah.

Megan: -some tidy. The same tighty whities that I think you were wearing when you were seducing, um, Margaret McPoyle.

Speakers: Margaret McPoyle.

Rob: Yeah, so high-wasted.

Megan: Those high-wasted things.

Glenn: Yeah, it's pulled up a little too high, wearing white socks, they're also pulled up real high. Uh.

Rob: And he took a wide stance.

Glenn: Yeah. Got myself into a slightly wider stance.

Charlie: It's good that we knew that that would be funny, right? That we weren't like, "Yeah, but he would want to wear, you know, something that he thought was sexier." Like, that-- We were just like, "It's just funny."

Glenn: He doesn't know. He doesn't know--

Charlie: It's all good.

Glenn: Yeah. He doesn't know or he wasn't- he wasn't thinking about it or he thinks he's so sexy that that doesn't even matter.

Charlie: Yeah.

Megan: Yeah.

Charlie: That is what it is.

Glenn: You know what? That is what it is.

Rob: I loved America's Next Top Model.

Glenn: We both did. You and I watched it.

Rob: Yeah, I know. We watched it. I watched it every week.

Glenn: We watched the entire first season-

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: -of that show. Like, I would come over to your place.

Charlie: Tyra Banks? That was her show?

Rob: Tyra Banks, she's fierce.

Glenn: Yeah. Is that that--

Rob: I loved it.

Glenn: It was great.

Rob: Great.

Glenn: It was amazing.

Megan: What did you like about it?

Rob: Um, I loved the competition.

Glenn: It was hilarious.

Rob: Yeah. It was really funny. Tyra-Tyra Banks is amazing. I-I just-- It was one of those reality shows that I got into for this-- Like, I wasn't into American Idol. I never really watched that, um, back in the day, and it was on around the same time. So I don't know. It was just-- It was fascinating. A fascinating look into an industry I didn't understand.

Glenn: That's exactly right. It was fascinating. It was almost like, "Wow, I didn't know--" You know? But it was also fun to watch them try to come up with different scenarios to put the models in to-

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: -make it a show. It's like, okay. And that's why we did the barn-- That's why we did the barnyard thing.

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: 'Cause we were like-- That's what they would do on America's Next Top Model. They'd be like, "You're a space alien--" You know, they would just do this shit that was like-- And try to make it seem like-

Rob: Mm-hmm.

Glenn: -that's something that would ever happen to you. Like, if you can't be a convincing barnyard animal-

Rob: Hmm.

Glenn: -how-- you're never gonna make it as a model.


Glenn: And it's like, what? What are you talking about?

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: Like what's that-

Charlie: No.

Glenn: -have to do with anything?

Rob: Uh, it's just a competitive-- It's-it's--

Glenn: You think Kate Moss ever had to be a donkey? Probably not.

Megan: [chuckles]

Glenn: Probably not.

Rob: No.

Charlie: You guys watching reality shows now? Are you off reality shows?

Rob: I-I-I dip in and out. I mean, there's a- there's an argument to be made that any- any professional sports program that you watch is a reality show.

Glenn: Yes.

Rob: I mean, it's the same- it's the same idea. You're-- Y-you're watching a competition amongst people. And the only reason you really care is the story behind it. And they were just really good at-at producing it, so--

Glenn: And-- Me-me and my kids, uh, and Jill, like we as a family, we watch America's Got Talent.

Charlie: Okay.

Glenn: Oh, I've realized that some-- there's some of those big competition shows that are, uh-- that are a little bit-- You don't feel like you're just kinda sitting and just like that-- You know, when-- if you're watching it as a family it feels like an actual event. It feels like something that you're doing together.

Rob: Mm-hmm.

Charlie: I like the survivalist ones.

Glenn: Ah, yeah, yeah.


Megan: Have you been watching Alone?

Charlie: Alone, I love.

Glenn: I haven't seen that yet. That-- Is that on Netflix?

Charlie: Alone, is amazing.

Megan: Oh, it's great. It's on Netflix.

Charlie: Yeah.

Megan: Um, and it is-- I think it was like a Nat Geo Show.

Glenn: Oh.

Megan: And they basically dropped 10 people into like a really isolated environment. But they separate them all. And then it's a last man standing, or woman standing competition, um, for who can survive in that place the-the longest. And they only get to bring like 10 items with them.

Glenn: Yeah.

Megan: It's really good.

Charlie: People are impressive. Like the-the structures they build are--

Megan: Yeah.

Glenn: Snowflake Mountain, did you watch it?

Rob: No, but I saw the commercial for it.

Glenn: You did?

Charlie: Yeah.

Glenn: And were-- You had-- You-you-- I'm sure you had the same thought. You were like, "Ah, I might have to watch this."

Charlie: [laughs]

Glenn: And I did watch it.

Charlie: Uh-huh.

Glenn: 'Cause I was in Ontario shooting the movie, so I had like more time to like just-

Charlie: Mm-hmm.

Glenn: -watch things at times, you know? And I watched that whole damn thing. It was basically they took a bunch of like really rich and-- Like super entitled, like young twenty-somethings. Or like late teens, or early twenties. And basically, told them that they were going to like a-- this awesome resort to shoot like a reality show at this resort, you know? So they thought they were all gonna be like drinking and partying and in a house-

Charlie: And they put them through hell?

Glenn: -and bickering, and being in hot tubs and shit, and instead they drop them off on a fucking mountaintop, and they were like, "Survive."


Megan: That would be fun.


Rob: This podcast is sponsored by Better Help Online Therapy.

Charlie: I'm gonna toss something out here. It might be a bit controversial, but the-the past few years on planet earth have been a bit of a shit show.

Glenn: [chuckles]

Charlie: Right, right?

Glenn: Yes.

Charlie: Hot take. So if you're like me, or literally any-any human being who's alive, uh, you, uh, you might well, uh, have some, you know, some pent-up feelings about the- about the times we've been through and-and-and you gotta work to step out.

Glenn: Or say, if you're struggling with grief, you know, work, relationships, stress.

Charlie: Mm-hmm.

Rob: Or if you're having trouble sleeping or meeting goals, online therapy might be for you. Now, why online therapy with Better Help as opposed to a traditional therapist?

Charlie: Well, Better Help offers video, phone, and even live chat sessions with a licensed professional therapist, so you can get help, uh, on your time and in the privacy of where ever you choose.

Glenn: It's also more affordable than traditional offline therapy, and-and furthermore, they have financial aid available if you need it. So, you know, save some bucks, save a trip to your local therapist's office, save an uncomfortable stay in the waiting room, and try Better Help online today. Over 2 million people already have. Always Sunny Podcast listeners and creeps get 10% off their first month of online therapy at

Rob: That's Better Help,


Megan: You, uh-uh, might n-notice this. Um, in that scene where Glenn arrives to take part in the competition, there's a man standing near the, uh, the sort of pole in the bar, and he, um- and he has a couple of lines. And then he-he basically asks about how much money they're getting paid and then leaves. And you guys pointed out that-that he recures-

Glenn: That is the guy--

Megan: -on the show.

Glenn: Yeah, that's the guy in, um--

Charlie: PTSD.

Rob: PTSD.

Glenn: PTSD.

Charlie: Season 12.

Megan: Yeah.

Glenn: Yeah. So I-I-- as I recall, at the time that we cast that guy, well, he, uh, he gave a great audition, so we were like, "Oh, we really want this guy." And I think we realized-- We were like, "Oh, he's already been in an episode. He might have even said it. I think-- Something makes me think-- Maybe he even said, "I've already done one or something, but-"

Rob: But I think this makes sense.

Glenn: "-I think this makes sense." And we were like, "Yeah, totally makes sense." Like there's a million bars in Philly.

Charlie: Yeah.

Glenn: You know, he had this one experience where he tried to-to do a billboard thing or whatever.

Charlie: Plenty of people have done multiple episodes, and some people have done multiple characters.

Glenn: Yeah.

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: But in my mind, he's playing the same- he's playing the same character.

Charlie: It's the same guy, yeah.

Glenn: He just doesn't remember that he's been there.

Charlie: He had a kid and became a stripper.

Glenn: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Megan: Well, he was making money from the stripping, so that makes sense. It's consistent with his character.

Charlie: Yeah, exactly.

Megan: He shows up when money needs to be made.

Charlie: Yeah.

Glenn: It makes sense. Carter MacIntyre.

Charlie: That guy's really good.

Glenn: He's great. He's great in that little bit that he does in this episode.

Megan: Yeah. And also cameoing is one of your actual cameras in this.

Rob: Yes. That's what we shot the-the, uh, actual series on, the DVX 100A.

Megan: The camera that Charlie is using.

Glenn: That was not the A.

Rob: Was it the B?

Glenn: I think that was the B.

Charlie: We ere on the B.

Rob: DVX 100B.

Glenn: I think we were on the B.

Charlie: Yeah, so when I throw the volleyball in Caitlin's face, uh, when she's crazy Patty, the camera that we're filming her with is the same exact cameras that we film the show on. And if they don't look like giant expensive cameras, it's 'cause they're not.

Rob: Standard definition. 4.3, 4:3-

Glenn: This is the--

Rob: -aspect ratio.

Glenn: This was the last season that we did, um, in 4:3.

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: Season five We did in 16:9, but still refused to go HD.

Rob: I'm pointing at Charlie right now because he's the one--

Charlie: Oh yeah, 'cause I didn't wanna switch to HD.

Glenn: Season six, we went- we went HD. Although we got probably the cheapest HD cameras-

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: -you could possibly get.

Rob: Mm-hmm.

Glenn: Possibly because we didn't-- A-actually, I think that was, um-- The thought was, we don't want it to look too drastically different, but we know we need to step into the modern era by going HD 'cause every TV was becoming HD then. So it was like, wow, this is gonna really, really start to look different, and-and-and even worse than it did before.

Charlie: Pretty soon everyone's gonna have a contraption on their tele-television that makes all television look awful, so we need-

Glenn: Yes.

Charlie: -to, uh, go ahead and like-

Glenn: Get into that.

Charlie: -make sure that it can look as awful as possible.

Glenn: That's right. That's right.

Rob: I don't understand how people can't see it. They can't see it.

Charlie: Dude, I was just saying--

Rob: 90% of the population does not know that they're watching auto motion plus.

Glenn: Yeah.

Charlie: I was renting-

Rob: 90%.

Charlie: -out a house in Rhode Island, they had that on their TV and I couldn't-- You know, there was no, uh-

Glenn: You couldn't--

Charlie: -remote for the TV. There was a remote for, like, uh, just an o-- Like a--

Glenn: Yeah. You could control the whole system, but you didn't have the actual television remote-

Charlie: To get into the guts of that-

Glenn: -to get into the settings?

Charlie: -motherfucking television, yeah.

Glenn: Yeah.

Charlie: It's happened to me a couple times where I've-

Glenn: Me too.

Charlie: -not figured out how to turn it off.

Rob: But they must do focus groups on that. My guess is that because otherwise, why would Sony, or whoever is ever building the TV shows--

Charlie: They go ahead with focus groups, uh, uh, for all sorts of things. And I think when it comes to like a story, maybe not so much, but, like, yeah. For whether or not television looks like absolute shit when you're watching a movie.

Rob: No, but I there's reason why Sony is refusing-- They could very easily just get rid of that feature because they know everybody in Hollywood ha-hates it 'cause it ruining the movies and TV shows.

Glenn: Just don't have that be the default setting. That's my thing.

Rob: I-I know, but w--

Glenn: Don't have it be the default setting.

Rob: I know, but I know my point is that they're-- They must be using a-a data point to-

Glenn: Right.

Rob: -to drive that decision to say people actually like this. They want it on their televisions.

Megan: People like soap operas, and that's what it makes everything look like, so.

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: Yeah. That's right. That's right.

Megan: So popular.

Rob: People must prefer it. Otherwise-

Glenn: It's absolutely that.

Rob: -I don't know why they would make it as the default setting. It doesn't make any sense.

Charlie: No, they-- I don't think we do things just 'cause people prefer it. It-it-it's-it's like--

Glenn: You think there's something else going on?

Charlie: Yeah. I think it's-it's too expensive for them to now go figure out-- Like-like somebody came up with a technology that people were like, "Oh wow." Yeah. When you watch baseball game, it is gonna look, you know like-like you're there-

Glenn: Yeah, right, and it is good for that.

Charlie: -and on the field, right? Or you play a video game or something. And then someone was like, "Oh, but it's ruining everything else." And they're like, "Yeah, but we already did it. It's gonna be really expensive and time-consuming to figure out how to make other stuff look good. Can't we just ruin everything so people can watch the football game?" You know? Like--

Rob: But they make a new- they make a n--

Glenn: Can't we just ruin everything?

Rob: A brand new TV, every, you know, six weeks like they-they--

Charlie: Yeah, but they don't break through with technology every six weeks, so like-- So I mean.

Rob: They're making the TV smaller and thinner.

Charlie: I don't know. It's so bad. It's just so upsetting.

Rob: It's bad.

Glenn: It's really frustrating.

Charlie: Yeah.

Rob: Just go into your settings and turn off auto motion plus.

Glenn: I've got a TV in my house, uh, where I have been through all the se-- It's a TV that I got like a year ago.

Charlie: Yes, yes.

Glenn: And it's like--

Charlie: You turn everything off and there's still like a hint of it.

Glenn: It's still there.

Charlie: I have that, too.

Glenn: It's still there.

Charlie: I turned every fucking setting off on that television that there is to turn off.

Glenn: And I've used it too much now to, like-- I can't there's no-- I can't go back.

Rob: There's no going back.

Glenn: There's no going back.

Rob: You'll have to go into one of the six or seven other rooms in your house that has a TV to watch it.

Glenn: Well, that's the problem, right? Because I'm like, which fucking--

Rob: Yeah, it's like I can't. W-w-which-which room am I gonna go into?

Glenn: Where am I gonna-- Where-- Yeah. Which-which room? Which room am I-- Has the best TV with the- with the least--

Rob: Mm-hmm 'cause that's where I'm gonna spend my time.

Charlie: You know, we're going the wrong direction where if you're on airplane and-and you're watching on the screen, on the back of the seat, that screen, it looks better than your TV at home.

Glenn: That's right. Yeah, yeah.

Charlie: You know? Like, that's, uh-- We've fucked up. We've-we've, uh--

Glenn: They've gone too far.

Rob: We didn't fuck up, they fucked up.

Charlie: They fucked it up.

Glenn: They've gone too far.

Charlie: They've gone too far. They've ruined television.

Glenn: By the way, I finally saw Top Gun: Maverick.

Charlie: Okay. Here we go.

Glenn: I loved it.

Charlie: Of course, you do.

Rob: Oh but you know, because you have a pulse.

Charlie: Yeah.

Glenn: It's fantastic.

Rob: yes.

Glenn: I loved it, I think the whole movie I was like, just from start to finish.

Charlie: Yeah.

Glenn: like the second it starts and they put that Top Gun song in there like [imitates song].

Rob: Gives you everything you need.

Charlie: Now imagine a year from now, uh, you're getting to watch that at home for the first time and your like, "Huh, why they, why they make it look like it all just like fake CGI and bad? Well, they didn't."

Glenn: They didn't, they didn't.

Charlie: Your TV is ruining it. Sony did.

Glenn: Panasonics did.

Megan: So does that means you guys want me to stop publishing the podcast with automation plus on it?

Rob: Goddamn it. [laughs]

Charlie: Goddamn it.

Megan: We might have, We might have beaten Joe Rogan if I hadn't done that.

Charlie: I think every--

Rob: I don't think laptops have it, right? so if someone's watching this on their laptops or on their phones.

Charlie: Yeah, laptops are still okay for now.

Glenn: For now, somebody is gonna do it, I bet you there's some PC company that's already done it. They're like we have got the ruining now. We got the ruining technology, we have just installed it now.

Megan: We got it. [laughs]

Glenn: We got it, we figured it out.

Charlie: We can ruin movies on all your devices.

Glenn: [laughs] We figured out how to ruin movie experience on all your devices.

Rob: Yeah.

Glenn: Yeah, God bless, huh?

[End Credits]


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